Civil Discourse Now

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Ban the "Gun & Knife Show" from the State Fairgrounds

Last night a mass shooting occurred at Indy’s FedEx facility. This weekend is the Indy Gun & Knife Show “Show”). Hypocrisy: “act of pretending to have a character or beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not possess.” Exhibitors can’t “carry” & live rounds are banned at the Show.

A radio ad for the Show used to feature voice caricatures of Harvey (7-foot tall pookah rabbit) or Barney Fife. The ad for this Show had no such voices. Announcer simply stated dates, times and that the Show is in a larger facility to accommodate social distancing.

In the minds of most people attending the Show, social distancing is unnecessary and only the effort of Deep State or Antifa (or maybe Glenda the Good Witch) to deprive people of freedom to die, or cause others to die, in agony, from COVID. We are commies, after all.

Show attendees should worry about their safety: the Show appears to be a “gun-free zone” and gun nuts rant about rates of violence being higher in gun-free zones. Of course facts and reality (as well as human lives) are irrelevant to the profit motives of the gun industry.

A colleague and friend quit the practice of law years ago to work at Indy’s FedEx facility, in part because the practice of law posed threats of violence. That person had one of the brightest legal minds I encountered in law school. I hope she is safe & wasn’t on that shift.

When treasonous bastards stormed the Capitol on January 6, Congressional staffers who had been in grade, middle or high school post-Columbine were quoted as saying they knew what to do from all the shooter “drills” they’d done in those school days.

That should make us happy and relieved that they survived, but sad and angry that little kids are trained to survive attacks that occur nearly every day in this country. But hey, it’s like the lottery: if you don’t play, you can’t win. Ban unfettered access to guns = loss of freedom.

Of course that’s silly. Freedom is not secure because any person who desires can buy an assault gun. My friend might disagree about my views on the 2nd Amendment; perhaps we can discuss the issue at length. Unless that name is listed as the name of one of the dead.

An online search indicates the Show still is “on.” Promoters lack the good taste to postpone the Show. We should demand the Show be banned from the State Fairgrounds, but this is Indiana and Hoosier Hospitality to white, violent people can’t be deterred.

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Comment by pogden297 on April 16, 2021 at 11:52am

FYI, there are plenty of minorities who attend the Gun and Knife show.  And I highly doubt more than a handful are "violent."  I don't get the attraction to gun ownership as a hobby, but you're painting attendees with far to broad a brush.


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