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Art V convention: don't worry about rules! ALEC wrote a set!

Igor in “Young Frankenstein”: “It could be worse. It could be raining.” [Cue: thunder/downpour]
Ours is a state of emergency. trump’s: 1) vowed to be a dictator & to terminate The Constitution [FN1]; 2) a Russian asset in the midst of Russia’s cyber invasion of the USA [FN2]; 1/11

3) trump’s disqualified fr holding office (as are 6 current/former members of Congress). [FN3] Pres Biden must invoke emergency powers [FN4] & suspend results of the 2024 elections before trump can be sworn in on 1/20/25 & declares him/herself dictator. Time is critical. 2/11

Some suggest a long-term “fix.” Under Art. V, Congress call a “Convention for proposing Amendments” if 2/3 of States’ legislatures request it. Resultant amendments go back to the States to ratify. [FN5] It could be worse. [Cue: thunder/downpour] 3/11

No rules exist for a convention. In the 1787 Convention, each State had one vote. ALEC [FN6] drafts “model laws” & “has undermined Americans’ civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights in numerous ways.” [FN7] ALEC has proposed convention rules. [FN8] They provide 4/11

States’ delegations would be “duly selected in such manner as their respective legislatures shall determine.” [FN9] Each State has “one vote, without apportionment or division” [FN10] “Convention of States” calls for an Art V convention. It’s also uber-right wing: 5/11

Hannity, DeSantis, etc. If such a convention is held, corporations will dump dark $$$ & we won’t know the donors. The first step is for Pres Biden to declare that emergency. We can’t take more rain. And remember: follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! 6/11

FN1. Sherman, Amy, “In Context: Donald Trump was asked if he will be a dictator if reelected. Here’s what he said,” Politifact, 12/07/23, accessed 12/21/24; Holmes, Kristen, “Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution...” CNN, 12/04/22, accessed 12/21/24. 7/11

FN2. Colson, Thomas, “Russia has been cultivating Trump as an asset for 40 years, former KGB spy says,” Business Insider, 01/29/21, accessed 12/26/24. 8/11

FN3. U.S. Const. Amend XIV, §3; see also,Rojas, Warren, “At least 6 GOP members of Congress asked the Trump White House for a January 6 pardon, including Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene,” Business Insider, 06/23/22, accessed 12/25/24. 9/11

FN4. 137 statutory powers may be available to the president when s/he declares a national emergency. Brennan Center for Justice, 12/05/18, updated 06/11/24, accessed 12/05/24; as Commander in Chief. U.S. Constitution, Art. II, sec. 2. 10/11
FN5. U.S. Const. Art. V.
FN6. American Legislative Exchange Council.

FN7. Wilce, Rebekah and Lisa Graves“ALEC exposed,” ABAJ, 07/01/14, accessed 12/26/24.
FN8. ALEC, “Rules for an Article V Convention for Proposing Amendments,” accessed 12/26/24.
FN9. Id., Rule 1.1.
FN10. Id., Rule 2.2.1. 11/11

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