Civil Discourse Now

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Evangelicals lose out if kids are taught empathy & how to think

2/2/22, Huntington H.S., WV, from ABC News: students were ushered into an assembly & “told to close their eyes in prayer and urged to turn their lives over to Christ.” Students couldn’t leave “because the classroom was locked.” A spokesperson for the school, when asked ... 1/6

how an evangelical revival was required “during the school's daily COMPASS ‘noninstructional break,’” said, “‘It’s unfortunate that it happened... We don’t believe it will ever happen again.’” We have separation of church & State. U.S. Const. Amend I; Ind. Const. Art. I, §§ 2-6. 2/6

In Indiana, evangelicals warn that CRT & SEL are teaching values to children instead of basics like reading & writing, “science” (minus evolution) along w/red, White & blue history. SEL teaches values that include empathy, tolerance, self-awareness & responsibility. 3/6

CRT (Critical Race Theory), were it in Indiana curricula, teaches: “Racism is not merely the product of prejudice but ... is embedded in American society and its legal systems in order to uphold the supremacy of white persons.” That is our history, theory or not. 4/6

Evangelicals seem not to mention that they would teach values in our public schools. They want Indiana’s Gen’l Assembly to outlaw SEL & CRT. They leave guns alone, although a 2/9 tweet says: “No student has been killed at a mass reading, but we ban books and not guns.” 5/6

Evangelicals have churches, but know if public schools teach kids how to think + values of compassion, there will be fewer evangelicals. I’m Mark Small a pro-choice, pro environment & GOP candidate for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 6/6

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