Civil Discourse Now

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3-card monte, this iteration of the GOP and an Art V convention

A woman testified before a House committee how Florida law forced her to carry a “baby until 37 weeks with no amniotic fluid and a certainty that he would not survive.” [FN1] A GOP House member said Jan 6 insurrectionists behaved “in an orderly fashion.” [FN2] 1/7

In 3-card monte, the dealer uses sleight of hand and misdirection to win. [FN3] This iteration of the GOP has 2024's elections awash in absurdities. Pandering to a contracting base might be only a stall. Some profess love for The Constitution, but want an Article V convention. [FN4] 2/7

Once called to order, such a convention would have no limits. Judge Robert Bork wrote that such a federal constitutional convention cannot be limited, and pointed to the 1787's Convention. It went well beyond the purposes for which it was called.” 28 States have voted “yes.” [FN5] 3/7

An Art. V convention, held with corporations enjoying anonymity conferred by the SCOTUS case in Citizens United would effectively place this country’s government for sale. Putin would be there with a checkbook. Your name will not be in the blank for “Payee.” 4/7

FN1. 5/7

FN2. Rep Andrew Clyde (R-GA)
FN3. Wikipedia “Three-card monte.” 6/7

FN4 “on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments.” U.S. Const. Art. V.
FN5. 7/7

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