Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

When will there be a head-on collision on Broad Ripple Avenue?

   Friday morning I drove to work. My route passes through a school zone, that of Broad Ripple High School (or whatever the school is called today). My speed was 25 mph, for three reasons. First, because it is a school zone and safety is important. Second, because I do not want to receive a ticket. Third, tickets for speeding in a school zone, the last I heard, run a thousand bucks.

   Just past McDonald’s, a Land Rover was on my rear bumper. I maintained my speed. I noticed a second pair of headlights behind the Land Rover. As I passed the high school, the Land Rover used the turn lane to pass me. The second vehicle was right behind the Land Rover. I would say each was doing at least 40.

   The third lane is dangerous. Perhaps a driver as conscientious (or naive) as me, at the same time and along the same stretch of Broad Ripple Avenue, had been traveling the same speed in the westbound lane and been followed by someone as cretinous as the driver of the Land Rover. If the cretin behind that other had decided to pass at the same moment as the driver of the Land Rover, there would have been a head-on. Since the construction of the bike lanes, traffic has been worse and drivers have become more impatient.

   There was money to be made, by contractors, in creating those bike lanes. There will be money to be made, probably by those same contractors, when the lanes are re-configured to their previous forms. That is the only reason I can see for their creation.   

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Comment by Mark Small on December 18, 2011 at 9:16pm

There are matters upon which we can agree. That is the nature of civil discourse. Now if we can get the lanes changed---a monumental achievement indeed.

Comment by Roberta Ecks on December 18, 2011 at 8:21pm

It's been feeling like a horrendous learning experience every time I have been on it in a car.  Scramble lanes are uncommon enough that at the very least, there should be a lot more signage, reminding drivers that's a left turn lane, not a passing lane.

     Try it in the dark while it's raining, for extra degree-of-difficulty points: the new lane markings are difficult to see.  At least bicyclists are less likely under those circumstances.

     The foolishness of the Broad Ripple Avenue street-marking change: something on which we actually agree!


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