Micah Beckwith, Hamilton County preacher & IN Lt Gov-elect, claims expertise on subjects despite her/his ignorance. After Beckwith’s visit to a class at Westfield HS was canceled, Beckwith vented [FN1] & claimed s/he said to the school’s superintendent: 1/13
“You know who Neville Chamberlain was? You remind me of Neville Chamberlain.” Beckwith has boasted s/he is a “student of history.” [FN2] At least Beckwith got a name of prominence in history correct. I wrote last week of Chamberlain’s return from Munich [FN2] and he 2/13
“held in the air a paper Hitler had signed & declared ‘peace in our time.’[] No one explained, and we had little understanding of, how the U.S. was spared devastation on a scale such as WWI inflicted on Europe.” Beckwith should be careful about the history of WW2. [FN3] 3/13
Chamberlain is criticized for appeasing a power-hungry swine who lied about history & pushed a hateful ideology. Beckwith is power-hungry, lies about history & pushes hatred in an ideology called “Christian nationalism,” [FN4 ] which “seeks to merge Christian and American 4/13
identities, distorting both the Christian faith and America’s constitutional democracy.... It often overlaps with and provides cover for white supremacy and racial subjugation.” [FN5] That’s fr other Christians. “We reject this damaging political ideology and invite our Christian 5/13
brothers and sisters to join us. As Christians, we are bound to Christ, not by citizenship, but by faith.” [FN6] No surprise: Beckwith’s superficial lesson fr Chamberlain & Munich reflects wars’ idiocy. WW1 killed a lot of people & the Treaty of Versailles, that ended WW1, 6/13
made a WW2 likely. Hitler rose to power, in part, because of the Treaty. No one mentions Japan, our ally in WW1, & how it neutralized the German navy in the Pacific. [FN7] Japan proposed a “‘racial equality clause’ to guarantee equal treatment [] regardless of race.” 7/13
A majority of delegates voted for the clause, but Pres Woodrow Wilson ruled the clause required unanimity, the only instance during the conference.” [FN8] Beckwith’s ignorance of our Constitution has been a frequent topic here. If s/he is able to climb to higher office? 8/13
Those who grab power under the guise of religion, oppress & kill those of other beliefs. When a regime claims to be “Christian,” the body counts are high for other Christians. [FN9]
Remember: follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! 9/13
FN1. “Kendall & Casey,” WIBC, 11/21/24, 08:40 into hour 2.
FN2. Civil Discourse Now, “For the sake of the Nation and the World we cannot appease trump,” 11/15/22. 10/13
FN 3. Podcast, “The Political Spotlight,” 10/16/24. Beckwith, referring to D-Day: “I’m a student of history and if we’d have dropped the atomic bomb earlier than we did it would have galvanized the Nazis...” Over a year after D-Day the U.S. successfully tested an atomic bomb. 11/13
FN4. One of Beckwith’s selfie videos on Facebook, in 2022, was titled “Why every follower of Jesus should be a Christian nationalist.”
FN5. Christians Against Christian Nationalism, “Sign the Christians Against Christian Nationalism Statement,” viewed 11/22/24.
FN6. Id. 12/13
FN7. Harris, Peter, “Why Japan Turned Against the Paris Peace Treaty, and Why It Matters,” The National Interest, 12/25/18; accessed 11/22/24.
FN8. Id.
FN9. E.g., The Reformation. 13/13
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