Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Vowels cost $50: FB podcast "Mouthwash", 5/11 at 9 pm

Every important governmental decision on which you have an opinion - women’s reproductive rights, military budgets, voting rights, U.S. military invasions, poverty, military budgets, private prisons, rights of indigenous peoples, military budgets, discrimination, anything military...

Your opinion, as an American citizen and voter, ultimately, means nothing. ***t! ***k! ***k ***k**! (care to buy a vowel?) Expletives cannot draw attention sufficient to a fact: there is little chance to change the 2-party system, against which voters mean nothing.

Back when the 2 “major” parties were in bed (together? with others?) their leaders enacted laws so that the 2 main ways to oppose or, worse in their eyes, exert control through elections, mean nothing. They are not-for-profit (NFP) corporations subservient only to their leaders.

They love formations of “3rd parties” because the energy of any opposition will dissipate in the course of clearing statutory hurdles created by the 2 “major” political parties. After all, they write the laws. Their election boards toss petition signatures in sufficient numbers to block efforts.

If you think you can take over one of the 2 “major” political parties, think again. You can’t buy stock. Their by-laws are hidden and arcane. The evil of corporations was a foe in the 1770s. The corporate entity eventually won.

“[P]olitical scientists have found that the Democrats and Republicans ‘have built themselves virtually impenetrable barriers against challenge by new parties.’” Black, “Developments in the State Regulation of Major and Minor Political Parties,” 82 Cornell LRev 109 (1996).

On Tuesday, May 11 at 9 p.m. John Schmitz hosts a discussion of “The 2-Party Hangover” on “Mouthwash,” his podcast on Facebook. John Schmitz invited me and Andrew Horning, who has run for U.S. House and U.S. Senate as a candidate in the Libertarian Party.

Mr Horning and I disagree on many issues. On privately-held corporate control of our political system, I daresay our views are closer, although we disagree on some nuances of the control exerted by the 2 “major” political parties. This should - no, will - be fun. Tune in.

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