In Bailey, et al v. United States, et al, docket 16-1464, a Petition for Writ of Mandamus before the U.S. Supreme Court, Petitioners ask for independent investigation of the 2016 elections and, if it is determined Russia’s interference in the election affected the outcome, the election be declared void.
To set aside the results of an election, the procedures for which have been used for nearly Two Hundred Thirty (230) years, Petitioners’ burden of proof is significant, as it should be. What must be shown are (1) wrongdoing that (2) affected the outcome by (3) clear and convincing evidence—an evidentiary standard nearly as heavy as “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Russian interference in our elections has been acknowledged by the President, the Speaker of the House, and the Vice President. Trump, during on of the 2016 debates, invited Russia to hack his opponent’s e-mails. In August, Congress validated the conclusion of seventeen (17) U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia interfered with our 2016 elections.
The President, Vice President, and House Speaker are named Respondents in the Bailey case, thus their admissions have evidentiary value. An act of Congress has the effect of law.
Those who deny Russian interference occurred are akin to the Black Knight in Monty Python’s “Holy Grail” who declared his hacked-off arm was “only a flesh wound.”
Some suggest declaration of the results as void would be negative commentary on our system, but Putin detests democratic values and countries’ governments based on those values.
People are reluctant to overturn the results of a national election. As the Declaration of Independence states: “...all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed...”
Declaration that our 2016 elections were hijacked by Russia would be a statement of the strengths of our system.
Trump ran on the slogan “Make America Great Again.” He never specified, clearly, of what that “greatness” consisted. One may infer that Trump, who bragged how a foot injury kept him out of military service during the Vietnam war, means greatness in the form of military might and economic strength.
Our military is stronger than it ever has been. Our economy has a low unemployment rate.
What made America “great,” in the eyes of the rest of the World in the late Eighteenth Century, was our democratic system and the liberty of which we boast.
If we want America to be “great,” we must have an independent investigation of the 2016 elections. If Russian interference, conceded to have occurred, is shown to have affected the results, our Supreme Court should order the election results void ab initio.
Bailey is the only legal action to (1) seek an independent investigation of our country’s 2016 election and (2) an order the election be declared void if the election results were affected by the interference. The case is set for conference on September 25, 2017. The Petition cites treason, among other grounds, as how relatively few votes in “swing” states flipped and the Electoral College was Trump’s.
I am counsel of record for the twelve (12) Petitioners in Bailey, an effort that is not “partisan” for either party, but an effort to take the Oval Office back from a hostile foreign power—Russia.
If you agree that at the very least an independent investigation, as I have described, should be conducted or, further, the election was stolen, please share this with at least three other people. Ask each of those people to share, in turn, with three other people.
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