Civil Discourse Now

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This iteration of the GOP: whatever it is, I'm against it!:

Marx (Groucho not Karl) sang, “Whatever it is I’m against it!” in “Horse Feathers.” Nihilism, the punch of that 1932 (classic) movie is an absurdity & the non-existent core of this iteration of the GOP. In January 2017, repeal of Obamacare was at the top of a GOP wish list. 1/4

The Russian stooge who took the Oval Office 1/20/17 “led” a party w/ a majority in both houses of Congress, but this iteration of the GOP had no plans for health care, immigration, or anything, except cutting taxes for the rich and funneling money into the pockets of trump & his kids. 2/4

We face two years of obstruction by elected officials who believe “no” is a great idea for politics, and everyone else is to blame for the inertia that is the inherent result of “no.” But an alternative is where five members of the House GOP refuse to march in lock-step. Five. 3/4

The Framers thought parties (called “factions’) were awful. Hamilton opposed super-majorities, such as exist in some State legislatures (e.g., Indiana). GOP elected officials should be more concerned about the USA & concerned w/licking one of trump’s short fingers. 4/4

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