Civil Discourse Now

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Take steps to dissolve corporation known as Indiana GOP

The Indiana Republican Party (“GOP”) is a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Indiana. That corporate status can be revoked. If the corporation abuses its status (I.C. 23-17-24-1, et seq) the Indiana Attorney General can initiate actions.

Under Indiana’s RICO law (IC 35-45-6-2 and 34-24-2-1), if a corporation acts as a racketeer influenced corrupt organization, the prosecuting attorney in the county where such acts occurs can initiate the action.

Indiana’s junior Senator Braun leant his voice to the noise of “proud boys” and other extremists who sought to foment a coup yesterday. Others of the GOP agreed. Braun changed his position after the violence caused by the words trump and others spoke.

Once the horse has left the barn, closing the door has little meaning. Unless elected officials of the GOP repudiate - not simply say “okay, I won’t object” - the supremacist groups that clogged The Capitol, the GOP should face corporate dissolution.

I wanted to vomit when I saw Confederate flags amongst the banners carried yesterday by the white people who waltzed into The Capitol. Some took time to take selfies with Capitol police. We have to act against the outrages of yesterday.

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