Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Should be fun: talking Constitution with former House Speaker Paul Mannweiler, David Whitney of the Institute on the Constitution, and Indianapolis attorney Jeff Cox.

   Today’s Show will stream from Perk Up, 6536 Cornell Avenue, in Broad Ripple. We shall discuss whether there should be a constitutional convention, and the impact were such a convention to be held. Fellow host Matt Stone and I welcome three guest panelists for this conversation.
   Paul Mannweiler is former speaker of the Indiana House of Representatives.  He received his bachelor’s degree from IU and his JD from Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis. He has written a couple of blogs about the prospects of a constitutional convention.
   Reverend David Whitney is Senior Instructor at the Institute on the Constitution, a group that advances “The American View” of government: “Briefly stated, ‘The American View’ of government is that there is a God, the God of the Bible, our rights come from Him, and the purpose of civil government is to secure our rights. ... Americans are blessed that our Founders’ Biblical Worldview informed their political philosophy and the framing of our founding documents.”  Mr. Whitney will join us by Skype.  
   Jeff Cox, Indianapolis attorney and veteran guest panelist, also will be with us.
   Kimann Schultz will provide inside on societal trends with her Fashion News and Muse.
   Before I forget, this is Mick Jagger’s birthday, so a big shout out to Mick, probably the wealthiest former student of the London School of Economics.

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