Civil Discourse Now

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Sen Mike Braun is a racist, is unfit to be in the Senate & should resign

U.S. Sen Mike Braun (R-IN), during an interview w/Bryan Tyler Cohen, smirked & said States should be allowed to ban interracial marriage. To be clear: Loving v Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967) was a unanimous decision & declared unconstitutional a statute by which a married couple 1/5

was criminally prosecuted & sentenced to jail for 1 year suspended for 25 years “on the condition that [they] leave the State” & not return to VA together for 25 yrs. Braun is an embarrassment on several levels, most obviously as a U.S. Senator. The 14th Amendment was a result of ...2/5

The Civil War. It provides equal protection of the law. Rights do not vary by State. States do not have rights. For decades former slaves & their descendants fought for the rights The Constitution is supposed to protect for all of us. That Braun does not “get” this establishes he is not fit...3/5

to serve in the Senate. He is an embarrassment, most significantly as a human being. He should resign. As long as racism is allowed to fester & spread via one half of our two-party system this crap will persist. The current iteration of the GOP must be opposed, AND taken back...4/5

from racists. I’m Mark Small. I’m pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & pro-democracy. I’m GOP candidate for Indiana House District 86. My hands still are shaking from revulsion at Braun’s displays. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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