Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Resolved: that the Federal Government should control primary and secondary education in the United States.

This will be the topic of our next debate, Saturday, February 19, between Chris Spangle and me. I will take the affirmative. The debate should be on the site in the afternoon. I am new to this tecnology thing. My Freshman year at DePauw, the school's computer (singlular) filled a room I recall as being about 20' by 20'. SO I am late to this process.

The debate should be spirited. The point of the debates is to discuss matters in civil fashion but with disagreement; without disagreement, we would have no debate. 

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Comment by Paul K. Ogden on February 18, 2011 at 6:16pm

Didn't the Depauw computer use those punch cards and have big gas tubes?


As far as your position on the topic, you have crossed over to being certifiable.


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