Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

What got you so mad? The left?
You voted for people who gave tax cuts to billionaires
who used the tax cuts to ship factory jobs overseas.

What got you so mad? The left?
We are pacifists, but you still live in the USA
with the largest military in history & killing people

What got you so mad? The left?
You cheered on the law & order crowd,
& it’s made damn sure to push private prisons
& tried to keep them filled to the brim in the “:land of the free.”

What got you so mad? The left?
We wanted limits on guns so little kids are n’t killed.
You have even more guns than ever.

What got you so mad? The left?
“Religious freedom” doesn’t mean
your peculiar form of Christianity uber alles,
& yet politics is preached from tax-free pulpits.

What got you so mad? The left?
No - you have caused the “bad.”
So - that means either you are the “left”
Or your sorry-ass beliefs should be scrapped.

Views: 45


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