Civil Discourse Now

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Please let me have Romney's 13.6% income tax rate---please!

   Mitt Romney refuses to release any more than two (2) years of his income tax returns. Day before yesterday his wife was quoted as saying those were all the returns they would release because (1) that was all they legally were required to release and (2) the press would attack the Romneys over the information in the returns.

   Then yesterday Romney said he has reviewed his returns and has paid at least 13 percent in income taxes each of the years in question and last year paid 13.6%.

   First, Romney has made his personal success in business a theme of his campaign. Therefore, his personal income has become relevant to the discussion. Second, Romney released 23 years of his income tax returns to John McCain in Romney’s 2008 effort to be McCain’s running mate. Third, if there are items in those returns that people would attack, as Mrs. Romney says, that probably means there are items in those returns some people would find objectionable.

   What I would like is—a 13.6 percent income tax rate. I pay a lot more than that. In doing so, am not asking for a graduated tax rate—like we had under President Eisenhower, as an example. I just want the same 13.6 percent rate good old Mitt is able to pay. I already benefitted from President Obama’s health care reforms. Health insurance premiums took a nose-dive.

   Now please—please—let me pay income taxes at Mitt’s rates. I won’t even buy an elevator for the car collection in my garage. Imight take a vacation for the first time in four years.

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