Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

October 8's show: topics are Fair tax and the Federal Reserve

   On Saturday, October 8, on "Civil Discourse Now," Paul Ogden and I will discuss the so-called fair tax and also the Federal Reserve.

   We did not shoot the show last week and that was my fault. I was sick on Thursday and was out-of-sorts through the weekend. I feel particularly guilty because one person showed up at Big Hat Books, 6510 Cornell Avenue, where we do the show at 1:00 p.m. I would encourage anyone who wishes to do so to come to the show.

   I think  the fair tax is not a good idea. It inherently is regressive, would prove far higher than its advocates say, and would impose a lot of hardship on  people in this country. As for the Federal Reserve, what is so bad about a group of unelected, wealthy people determining the country's (and world's) economies behind closed doors and away from the prying eyes of the public? I thought that was how United States economic policy always was shaped. Okay, if you are  an advocate of states' rights, then I would point to the Columbia Club abd its closed doors and back rooms.

   Whatever your views, the discussion should be lively. 

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