Civil Discourse Now

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NRA/GOP citing mental health as the real reason for gun violence stigmatizes, is hypocritical & ignores guns

Gun culture knocks reasonable limits & solutions to gun violence. Reality: no measure is 100% effective. Cities have fire codes, but no one says bag fire departments. GOP elected officials now suggest the real problem is mental health (“MH”), but offer no clear plan yet keep guns. 1/5

Problems: 1) Texas is an example where a GOP governor recently cut funding for MH. 2) This stigmatizes ppl who have MH issues, most of whom are non-violent. 3) MH is one factor that red flag laws, opposed by the NRA/GOP, consider. 4) Uvalde shooter had no MH issues. 2/5

What shooters in Uvalde, Buffalo, Las Vegas, etc, had in common: AR-15-style guns. If a ban was in effect, they might have gotten the gun someplace else or A) maybe not and B) Delay increased possibility of a shooter being stopped & definitely meant victims lived longer. 3/5

To repeat: under 2nd Amendment a person does not have a right to possess any kind of weapon at any time for any purpose. D.C., et. al. v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 626 (2008), Scalia, J. Ban of guns like the AR-15, designed to kill as many ppl as fast as possible in war, is necessary. 4/5

I'm not a lunatic to say this should not be “the land of the free to be a mass shooter.” I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & anti-gun GOP candidate for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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