Civil Discourse Now

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No one has a monopoly on December 25 as a holiday

December 25 is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus. If the gospel according to Luke is accurate, and if Jesus existed as an actual person, the date of birth, approximately, was in the year 6 Common Era (C.E.), according to most scholars without a point to make.
1) Romans were very intricate about records that related to taxes. The “census” mentioned in the New Testament occurred in the year 6 - there was no year “zero” - and that was a tax collection matter.
2) Shepherds, during December, did not keep watch over their “flocks by night” out in the open, according to scholars. In the Middle East, the latter part, as is true for the rest of the hemisphere, is winter. Winter is cold, even in the desert. Shepherds would have slept with their sheep in huts or caves.
Early on, Romans viewed Christians as part of the Hebrew faith. The Roman Emperor Constantine became a convert a couple of hundred years after the principle events of Christianity. Other religions competed for people’s attention.
Other religions celebrated this time of year - when the light of day becomes greater - under various names or descriptions for similar reasons. No matter what scientific reasons we can see for the benefits of darkness, “light” always has represented hope.
The cult of Mithra, the Egyptian worship of Osiris, various forms of Pagansim, and other beliefs - some of which pre-date Judeo-Christianity; and for purposes of this commentary, sorry, all are Occidental - embrace this time of year as one in which we should embrace hope.
So please look at this time of year as one of hope, regardless of specific beliefs. If you want to celebrate anyone’s birthday, that’s cool. Such a celebration should not be infused with hatred. That’s kind of against the spirit of “light.”
Also, realize the people in the southern hemisphere, one may reasonably infer, have light in the dark and vice-versa. But life is about an eternal “spin” of sorts. Ho ho ho!

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