Everyone has a right to believe as she or he wishes to believe. There also is a concept of truth. In the context of elections, we should expect politicians to tell us what their stands are on issues. At the very least, when a candidate is asked if she or he embraces a particular philosophy or is for or against a stand on a specific issue, the candidate should answer, and answer truthfully.
In 1960, JFK ran, in part, on the issue of a "missile gap" that did not exist. In 1968, Richard Nixon said he had a plan to end the Vietnam War but had to keep it "secret" or it wouldn't work. In both instances, the candidates were less than candid---to be polite.
JD Ford is a Democratic Party candidate for Indiana State Senate District 29. He is straightforward about his stance on issues. He is admired by a lot of people in the 29th district.
David Ford is a candidate for the Democratic Party in the May 6 primary for the 5th Congressional District. He refused to answer questions from another candidate about whether he supports principles of the "tea party." His FaceBook page sets forth his positions on several matters. Where one can discern positions on issues, those stands are general to vague. They are consistent with the "tea party." The "tea party" people have been responsible for a lot of gridlock in Congress over the past four years.
Let me be clear when I say: many people---definitely include me among that group---are fed up with the "tea party." They number a small percentage of our electorate and yet have brought government to a halt.
David Ford is a "tea party" person who, if he wins the May 6 primary, will try to out-right-wing Susan Brooks. People in the 5th Congressional District need to turn out and vote. Remember. If you are a progressive, against discrimination of LGBT people, in favor of restoring our infrastructure---DON'T VOTE FOR DAVID FORD IN THE PRIMARY. The mid-term elections generally have low voter turn-out. If you live in the 5th, you need to vote. DO NOT CONFUSE JD FORD WITH DAVID FORD---THEY ARE NOT RELATED BY KINSHIP OR BELIEFS. Vote for Shawn Denney or Allen Ray Davidson for 5th Congressional District. Either would make a good member of Congress.
One last word. I probably disagree with David Stockdale, candidate in the Republican primary running against the incumbent, Susan Brooks, on most issues. As I wrote last week, Mr. Stockdale is intellectually honest. He has chosen to run while openly stating his views. For this I commend him.
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