Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

More than 2 sides to any issue & some people see only 1 side

John Schmitz started his podcast “Mouthwash” over 2 yrs ago on Facebook (Tuesdays at 9 p.m.) As director/host, each week he has to line up guests, research topic(s), confirm regular panelists, and publicize it all. John wanted people of any political views could talk in civil fashion.1/5

I’ve been a guest & have a weekly spot, smalltalk, on Mouthwash. John and I disagree on most issues. Mouthwashtalkshow is John’s handle on Twitter & yesterday he had a series of exchanges w/ppl, most of whom follow me & I follow. The exchanges started w/& proceeded on the 2/5

Hamilton East Library Board & policies adopted since relatively new members, Micah Beckwith and Tiffanie Ditlevson, joined by appointment. The policies will be expensive ($300K is one estimate), and have held up to ridicule a library in a community whose kids aim to go to 3/5

schools of excellence. John took some of the criticisms personally. A few of the comments might have chafed a bit, but he’s been a candidate for various political offices and, for over two years, a host/producer of a podcast. Also, he hasn’t achieved a balance on “Mouthwash.” He wrote: 4/5

“We have an open invitation for a democrat or lefty and no one has stepped up, only excuses. So I have 2 republicans. Many are sure brave on Twitter, but ask them have a discussion to back it up, they run away. You are welcome to be a panelist.” I’ve offered. 5/5

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