Civil Discourse Now

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Micah Beckwith's talks with the divine

Quotes must be accurate. Micah Beckwith, who was a candidate in the 2020 GOP primary for INCD5, has claimed he has spoken with “the Lord” on various matters. Beckwith, the day after the Jan 6 insurrection, reported in a Facebook post another such talk. 1/7

God sayeth to Beckwith: “I sent those riots to Washington.” Riot: “unlawful assembly that has begun to fulfill its common purpose of breaching the peace and terrorizing the public.” Black’s Law Dict., pocket ed., 1996, p. 554. God was quoted by Beckwith. 2/7

God, in Beckwith’s rendition (& odd use of the noun “riots” aside) is incompetent. Weapons were brought to a staging area (i.e., a Comfort Inn) outside D.C. (to avoid those pesky gun restrictions). Guns were nearby and could have been used. 3/7

God either chose middle-aged (or older) angry white guys who didnt know what they were doing, fell asleep on the job, or got cold feet (to be polite) about sending riots to our Nation’s Capitol. Violence (terrorism: use of violence to intimidate or cause panic) was OK. 4/7

God, if consistent w/events of Jan 6 & Beckwith’s claims, is a violent racist who shields those who would carry a Confederate flag into our Capitol. Of course Beckwith could be delusional, plain dumb or (again to be polite) one who embellishes, i.e., creates from tin air.. 5/7

Beckwith, if delusional, perceives reality differently because of events or forces such as organic brain injury, late onset of schizophrenia, or development of a personality disorder. Beckwith garnered 11,063 votes in the 2020 GOP primary, finishing third. That’s scary. 6/7

History has seen, and not been treated well by, those who invoke divine will to obtain, and keep, political power. Beckwith thinks he talks with his god, who implicitly is OK w/violence versus foes. Mere mortals must challenge ppl like Beckwith or we’ll repeat history. 7/7

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