This iteration of the Republican Party decries foreign individuals to the point of xenophobia. The Framers of The Constitution were concerned that foreign powers could attempt to influence our elections [FN1] or simply advance corruption. [FN2] Foreign assistance to a political 1/8
campaign is illegal. [FN3] This proscription applies to Federal, State and local campaigns. [FN4] It applies against a “foreign principal. [FN5] The assistance may be from a citizen or one who owes allegiance to the US. [FN6] 2/8
Definitions are specific. Here is the bottom line. Beckwith talks with “The Lord about specifics of political issues. To be charitable, Beckwith sounds like he’s making it up on the fly, but that happens sometimes on video selfies in cars. On the other hand, he is assisted by someone.3/8
Beckwith contends the words of wisdom are from “The Lord.” That assistance is impermissible by the laws I’ve cited. Ah! If Beckwith’s adviser is not imaginary, but slick, that entity might be calling Beckwith from the infernal regions. Either way, a candidate like Beckwith is bad. 4/8
Unless Beckwith provides audio and video from his conversations, or wants to ask his “source” to speak with me at a time and place upon which we mutually agree, we should deal with Beckwith’s claims as crap and dispose of his candidacy as such. 5/8
FN1. See, Madison, Note on the Federal Convention, The AntiFederalist Papers, Signet, 1986, p. 120 and discussion of “ministers of foreign powers would have and make use of, the opportunity to mix their intrigues and influence with the Election....” 6/8
FN2. Hamilton, The Federalist 22. A weak side of republics is “they afford to easy an inlet to foreign corruption.”
FN3. Statement of Federal Election Commission Chair Ellen L. Weintraub, 06/13/2019. 7/8
FN4. 52 U.S.C. §30121.
FN5. 22 U.S.C. §611(b).
FN6. Id.; also see 8 U.S.C. §1101(a)(20) and (22). 8/8
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