Civil Discourse Now

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Media, even local radio, glorify a false &a toxic image of guns

Weapons designed for maximum carnage in minimum time should be limited to their intended use: warfare. Also of significance for a weapon like the AR-15 is number of rounds held in the clip. Reloading takes time. The more rounds in the clip, the less frequent are reloads. 1/5

There is no reason for an individual to have an assault rifle or a clip for it that holds more than 5 rounds. In D.C. v. Heller, the SCOTUS decision, Justice Scalia, writing for the Court, said we do not have a right to keep & carry any weapon for whatever purpose.” 554 U.S. at 626. 2/5

These weapons, created for mass killing, shouldn’t be available to private individuals. Because I argue for gun control, my pal The Chicken Guy @guyrelford (WIBC) says I’m anti-Constitution. That’s silly: before Heller the 2nd Amendment was construed to apply to militias. 3/5

A toxic gun culture has led to mass shootings. Glorifying false images of the importance of guns, as Mr Relford does on his show, continues a false narrative that Mr Relford does not allow to be questioned no his show. A first step against gun violence is: don’t own a gun. 4/5

Mr Relford attacks me personally, but does not reply to my arguments. That’s called an ad hominem attack. I’m Mark Small: pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & anti-gun GOP candidate for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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