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kluxers of the 1920s, D.C. Stephenson & the magaGOP nominee for IN LT Gov

MagaGOP [FN1] nominee for IN Gov Mike Braun, in his own weird way, accurately gauged Hoosier voters’ focus: “most people aren’t voting for Terry Goodin or Micah Beckwith.” [FN2] A lot of people are voting because of Beckwith, Braun’s running mate for LT Gov.... 1/7

Some will vote for Beckwith, whose family members have voted “R” for generations & they’re unaware of Beckwith’s views; or b) the philosophical heirs to D.C. Stephenson’s kkk, so big it drew 200K at a rally on 7/4/1923. [FN3] Those kluxers didn’t evaporate in ‘25. [FN4] 2/7

I’m not saying Beckwith is another Stephenson. Stephenson was bald, was not a musical talent & had offices above Kresge’s on the Circle. [FN5] Then again, Stephenson got his ass handed to him in a 1920 run for U.S. House & never appeared on a ballot again. [FN6] 3/7

People should be aware of Beckwith’s bigotry[FN7] & his lunacy. Beckwith talks politics w/The Lord. One can only hope that voters turn out in droves to deny Beckwith political office & vote the ticket, betw D & L w/greater chance of victory. Rfemember: #BrainsNotBraun. 4/7

FN1. This is not “the party of Lincoln,” or Eisenhower or Barry Goldwater or Richard Lugar or Dick Cheney. A hostile not-for-profit corporate takeover has transformed the GOP.
FN2. Wren, Adam, “Are Mike Braun and Micah Beckwith reading from the same script?” Importantville, 9/8/24. 5/7

FN3. Leibowitz, Irving, My Indiana (1964), p. 57.
FN4. Stephenson was convicted in the rape & murder of Madge Oberholzer.Id., 222-23.
FN5. Kresge’s was dime store on the northwest arc of the Circle. 6/7

FN6. Leibowitz, p. 192.
FN7. E.g., in selfie video of 10/23/19 Beckwith said only Chrfistians have the capacity to be moral. 7/7

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