Civil Discourse Now

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Herb Baumeister: Westfield's alleged serial killer and a case that is the focal topic of our next Show.

   In the early 1990s, people disappeared in Indianapolis. The people who disappeared had several similar aspects to their lives. They were male. They were relatively young. They were gay or believed to be gay. People with the same characteristics had disappeared on or near I-70 between Indianapolis and Columbus, Ohio. 

   Eventually, police were led to believe that the founder of the Indianapolis store chain Sav-A-Lot, Herbert Baumeister, was involved in the disappearances. Baumeister lived with his wife and three children on 18 acres near Westfield. Baumeister refused police requests to enter and examine his property. Eventually, Baumeister's wife filed for divorce. She then allowed police onto the property. The search eventually led to the discovery of the remains of 11 men. By the time of the search, Baumeister had left Indiana. In Canada Baumeister committed suicide. The disappearances along I-70 stopped.

   This Saturday "Civil Discourse Now" will stream live from the former Baumesiter estate. Our guests will include Detective Gary Mulligan, who investigated the case; Rob Graves, the current owner of the home; and Marilene Isaacs, an intuitive and a researcher. Other guests will be announced.

   We stream from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.   

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