Civil Discourse Now

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Good dictators neutralize the legal system

Promises by a major party nominee to be a dictator are new to the US, but not to other countries. An important protection of our rights is w/lawyers & judges. Right? German history says “nein.”
In a 3/23/33 speech, Hitler referred to “irremovability of judges”; he also promised 1/8

to improve judges’ “pay and prestige. Soon, lawyers were falling all over themselves to join the Nazi Party.” [FN1] Justice was dispensed by judges who scream at defendants’ given oversized pants & no belts. [FN2] Lawyers who appeared in those courts had no student loan debt. 2/8

People in death camps had no “trials.” In Nov 1936, the president of the Reich Supreme Court indicated the court “would accept the broadest interpretation of the Nuremberg Race Laws as put forth by Ministry of Justice State Secretary Dr. Roland Freisler.” [FN3] 3/8

trump stacked SCOTUS w/syncophants Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, who joined beacons of jurisprudential wisdom Roberts, Alito and Thomas. On 3/23/33, Hitler was allowed to bypass the legislature. [FN4] Prior to the right-wing stacking of this SCOTUS, such a law here 4/8

would have been challenged and deemed unconstitutional for the racist bullshit it is. This awaits us if trump’s actions that disqualified him from office [FN5] or his promises to terminate The Constitution before he’s taken the oath “to preserve, protect and defend” it. [FN6] 5/8

We are in a position similar Weimar Germany in January 1933, except we are given time to stop from taking office a man who would emulate Hitler. And trump’s told us what he will do. 6/8

FN1. Evans, Richard J., “The Coming of the Third Reich,” 2005, pp. 383-84.
FN2. “Hitler's Fanatical Screaming Nazi Blood Judge - Roland Freisler & Plot to Assassinate Hitler - WW2,” YouTube, accessed 1/8/25. 7/8

FN3. United States Memorial Holocaust Museum, “Supreme Court Decision on the Nuremberg Race Laws,” accessed 1/8/25.
FN4. Id., footnote 1, pp. 348-49, re: the Enabling Act.
FN5. Amend XIV, sec 3.
FN6. Const. Art IV, sec 4. 8/8

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