Civil Discourse Now

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Factors other than guns played greater roles in independence from Britain

When people die from gun violence, opponents of gun culture are supposed to feel guilty for not giving thanks to guns for U.S. independence from the British. We owe no such thanks for several reasons. First, there is no quality of guns, unique to the colonists, that brought victory. 1/4

In fact the British had more guns. Second, a lot of guns, cannon & ships used against the British were French and in French hands. Third, distance played a greater part than guns in the outcome. Distance made the British fight expensive. Fourth, the British people were split. The House 2/4

of Commons was divided. Then again, we lose sight of an important point: independence from Britain did not mean freedom. Slavery continued as an institution in this country until 1865. The indigenous peoples died so white people could take their lands. Women had few rights. 3/4

If you’re scared about a trip to the mall or your kids going to school, you can cuss out guns & the tyranny of fear they impose. I’m Mark Small: anti-gun, pro-choice, pro-separation of church & State GOP nominee for Indiana House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 4/4

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