Civil Discourse Now

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Der 12-year Reich patterned Nuremburg race law on Jim Crow. trump might copy back

The most votes usually wins an election. [FN1] “Most” is easier if voters for the other side lose the right to vote. “Jim Crow” laws [FN2] were copied & the USA regarded as “the innovative world leader in the creation of racist law.” [FN3] USA laws showed Nazis how to strip 1/8

non-Aryans and “opponents of the regime and all those who silently themselves from it by their lack of enthusiasm for its policies.” [FN4]
We should be scared by trump’s statements that echo the language of Der Twelve-Year Reich. For example: 2/8

“2024 is our final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that 3/8

hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News Media, we will evict Joe Biden from the White House, and we will FINISH THE JOB ONCE AND FOR ALL!” [FN5]
Before 2016, many said trump’s a joke & can’t win. trump lost the popular vote, but 4/8

took the Oval Office. No one should discount what trump would do in a second term. Jews, opponents of Hitler, and those who had a “lack of enthusiasm” for Hitler’s policies lost their citizenship, even if native-born. We can’t let this bastard steal the Oval Office again. 5/8

[FN1] “As far as I know, the presidency is the only elected office in the United States in which the person with the most votes in the final election does not necessarily win.” Finkelman, “The Proslavery Origins of the Electoral College,” 23 Cardozo L Rev 1145, 1146 (2002). 6/8

FN2. “A law enacted or purposely interpreted to discriminate against blacks, such as a law requiring separate restrooms for blacks and whites.” Black’s Law Dictionary, 10th ed., 2014, p. 964. 7/8

FN3. Maddow, “Prequel,” 2023 ed., p. 21, citing Whitman, “Hitler’s American Model,” 2017.
FN4. Evans, “The Third Reich in Power,” 2005 ed., p. 544.
FN5. @TrumpDailyPosts 11/18/23. 8/8

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