Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Civil Discourse will discuss gun rights on January 19 at the Indiana State Fairgrounds.

Civil Discourse Now will stream (how'd I dodge the obvious verb?) from the Indiana State Fairgrounds on January 19 at 11 a.m. to discuss ramifications of the Second Amendment. So far one panelist we have confirmed is Andrew Kirch. Co-host Mark Small (me) will advocate that the Second Amendment should be repealed. There's no need to talk about slippery slopes with me on this topic. Andrew will argue (vehemently I am sure) against the position I favor. Paul Ogden probably also will favor Number Two on the Bill of Rights. Folks---this should be informative and fun. It's about time people rationally discuss this topic---with each other; not just on a show that favors one side or the other.

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Comment by Paul K. Ogden on January 8, 2013 at 8:51pm



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