Civil Discourse Now

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Broad Ripple pet owners, beware! Coyotes are amongst us.

   There have been several signs, posted on lamp posts, the past couple of weeks, about missing pets in the Warfleigh neighborhood where I live.  This is an area in Broad Ripple west of College, north of the canal, south of the river, and east of Meridian.
   Last week, on my morning walk, I saw a coyote.  Two days ago, again on my morning walk, I saw a coyote.  Perhaps I saw the same coyote.  Perhaps I saw different coyotes.  Coyotes are carnivores.  Jokes about Acme Corporation and Roadrunner cartoons aside—coyotes will eat pets.
   I hope the missing pets in question are found.  I hope no harm has come to those creatures.  I would advise people who live in Broad Ripple not to let their pets out unattended.  Cats are beautiful creatures. They have excellent instincts for survival. Dogs are wonderful.  They can sense when aspects of their environment have gone awry.  Coyotes are creatures that exist by hunting down other animals.  Pets, especially, are vulnerable to coyotes.
   If you live in Broad Ripple—or anywhere coyotes might roam, for that matter—again, please do not let your pet or pets out unattended.
   I have advised my cats not to answer the door, in particular if someone wears Acme Rocket-propelled tennis shoes.  (Sorry—I had to put some note of humor into this.)
   Coyotes know no difference.  If they are hungry and prey is available, several of tens of  thousands of years of evolution will kick in and they will try to get a meal.  

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