IN’s GOP, today, texted ppl to vote. 4 GOP candidates seek Statewide office, but photos of only 3 [FN1] & trump are at the top. One line of text ID’s each of the 4 & there’s even “Your local Republican House candidate.” [FN2] Micah Beckwith is not mentioned. [FN3] 1/14
Neither does Beckwith’s name appear on most posters, yard signs or ads. Voters should see this NOT as a snit between two politicians, but as Braun’s really lousy style of management. Braun had a full year after Beckwith announced her/his candidacy in June 2023. [FN4] 2/14
Braun only had to assign one poly sci geek [FN5] in the campaign to compile a list of delegates to the State convention. A majority should have been locked down w/the primary. The primary was heated, but that makes contacting & lining up delegates easier. 3/14
Beckwith is an embarrassment to Braun, but not for Beckwith extremism. Braun said States should be allowed to ban interracial marriage. [FN6] Beckwith did an end-run on Braun & won’t shut up. June 2023, Beckwith’s goal was to be a “check” on the Gov. [FN7] 4/14
Does everybody get why that library gig is important?
The only public office Beckwith has held was on the HEPL board. [FN8] Beckwith pushed a policy to remove books from a “young adult” section & review them for smut. 5/14
There’s no indication Beckwith knew, or sought to learn how a library catalogues books in its collection. [FN9] On the other hand: Hamilton County (esp Fishers) became a focal point for ridicule, the library wasted at least $300K & Beckwith slunk away. [FN10] 6/14
Braun’s held office in the Senate for almost six (6) years & management skills for that post are a bit outside Braun’s reach. If Braun’s elected, Beckwith is elected, too. Beckwith’s ignorance is expensive. Beckwith cheered gov’t shutdowns. Worse? 7/14
Braun’s 70 years old. Beckwith would be a heartbeat away from being IN Gov. Worst: no one from the GOP leadership, of whom I’m aware, has called for Beckwith to step aside from being the nominee. That means leadership is okay w/Beckwith’s views. 8/14
Neither Braun nor Beckwith can manage. The leaders of the GOP willing to go along with misogyny, racism and fascism. When you vote, please realize a vote for any Republican is a vote for Beckwith. Follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook! #BrainsNotBraun 9/14
FN1. Braun (Gov), Rokita (AG) & Banks (US Senate).
FN2. Nothing indicates whether that’s U.S. or State “House.”
FN3. Hamilton County preacher and magaGOP nominee for IN LT Gov. 10/14
FN4. Wren, Adam, Confessions of an (alleged) book banner, Importantville, 9/24/23.
FN5. Seriously, most political campaigns are loaded with them. 11/14
FN6. Comment, made w/a smirk, during interview 3/22/22 w/Bryan Tyler Cohen. Braun later said s/he had misunderstood the question that would have required overturning Loving v Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967).
FN7. Id., note 4. 12/14
FN8. Hamilton East Public Library.
FN9. Hint: call numbers for both Dewey & Library of Congress call numbers are at the front of the book w/the copyright info & date of publication. 13/14
FN10. Lewis, Max, “Hamilton East library board could reverse controversial book policy with new member,” WXIN-59, 09/13/23, accessed 11/01/24. 14/14
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