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Beckwith would preside over a ratification convention!?

In the film “Apollo 13,” NASA flight director Gene Kranz, told a typhoon might hit the splash down area, as the spacecraft nears re-entry, says if there’s nothing the astronauts can do about it, “Then we don’t need to tell them.” [FN1] A trump return to the WH, w/promises to 1/8

be a dictator, is ghastly. Worse, post-Citizens United, is a possible constitutional convention. All 27 times The Constitution has been amended has been via 2/3 vote of the House & Senate, then 3/4 of the States. [FN2] A 2nd way is if 2/3 of the States call for a convention. [FN3] 2/8

The 1787 convention is the only convention ever held. Anyone who claims limits can be placed on a convention should read Congress’s 2/17/1787 resolution authorizing “a convention revising the Articles” to report back “such alterations and amendments.” [FN4] 3/8

Once called to order, such a convention has no limits, as Judge Robert Bork wrote, and pointed to “1787's Convention. It went well beyond the purposes for which it was called.” [FN5] Rights fought for & thought preserved in The Constitution, can be wiped away. 4/8

For Hoosiers, it gets worse. If such a convention is held: “The lieutenant governor shall call the convention to order.” [FN6] That IN’s Lt Gov-elect Beckwith is ignorant of the Constitution, in this context, does not matter. The Constitution can be wadded up and tossed. Seriously...5/8

ALEC/Heritage Foundation probably have a replacement “Constitution” drafted & ready. The World is in an emergency & dictators seek to rule. Pres Biden must invoke emergency powers. Nobody need tell us about typhoons. Also: follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook. 6/8

FN1. Ed Harris plays Kranz in the 1995 film directed by Ron Howard about the Apollo flight during .
FN2. Knight, Heather and Kate Selig, “A Constitutional Convention? Some Democrats Fear It’s Coming,” The New York Times, 12/16/24..7/8

FN3. U.S. Const., Art. V.
FN4. Journals of the Continental Congress, vol. 38 (manuscript), Library of Congress. Back
FN6. I.C. § 3-10-5-26. 8/8

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