Civil Discourse Now

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Beckwith's "God and country": the USA doesn't have a footnote in either testament

“God and Country” is the title of gatherings staged by Micah Beckwith, a right-wing minister who believes no separation of church and State exists under The Constitution. (Hint: many of The Framers were deists who believed in a natural “god.”)

If a person chooses to believe one entity created everything, even galaxies billions of light years away, it is absurd to yolk that belief to control of a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” i.e., bootstrap to power via “god” or to say any nation is a “favorite.”

“Christian” nations have chances to advance peace and charity over the past two thousand years, but have given free rein to Pestilence, War, Famine and Death. Constantine converted and turned the Roman Empire to killing heathens (i.e., non-Christians).

Christian killed each other for a century after Martin Luther raised questions and sparked what we call The Reformation. Evangelicals (or born-agains or whatever the nom de merde) maybe can blame Roman Catholics (and vice-versa).

After two millennia of carnage “Christianity” hardly will choose to redeem itself. Through it all there was no mention of slave-holding landowners who create a nation-state for which “God” can cheer from the sidelines. There is not even a footnote in either testament.

Many who bray about the (trumpian) “god” are not religious and only almost have touched a bible but were stopped (correctly) by their attorney who said (on their behalf) they would assert their right to remain silent.

Instead of “God and Country,” Mr Beckwith should call it “God and the home team,” the same as invocation of the supreme deity at sporting events. God, while I’m on the subject, said to me she listened to these people - and she is not amused.

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