Civil Discourse Now

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As the Man Says: Abortion Is Not a Real Issue for 2024's Elections

Conversation this a.m.: person said SCOTUS’s striking down Roe v Wade (& a woman’s right to abortion) 2 years ago is not a real issue for 2024's elections since pregnancies frequently are terminated chemically (e.g., the “morning after” pill), not surgically. [FN1] 1/8

There are medical reasons for surgical termination of pregnancy; drs & hospitals do not want to risk prosecution. The person wanted to know facts & numbers. The research letter I cited in my most recent blog looks at anti-abortion statutes enacted in 14 States. [FN2] 2/8

This is a woman’s decision to make in consultation w/her physician & w/o interference from people like Micah Beckwith. [FN3] Today, SCOTUS let stand Texas’s ban of emergency abortions. [FN4] Since the late 1970s, abortion has been the far right’s wedge issue. 3/8

As long as their “base” was whipped up in a frenzy by lies & opposition to something, far right politicians had no reason to worry about building a system, such as one to deliver health care. It’s also tough to calm a voter “base” so full of rage. 4/8

The far right need only install a dictatorship on Nov 5. Abortion is not a real issue for 2024's elections. W/a dictatorship in place, daughters, nieces, employees, etc., of the wealthy will have access to safe abortions, as always has been the case. 5/8

Other women will have to die for magaGOP like Micah Beckwith to obtain power & maintain an illusion of a moral State. So when you vote, remember: Beckwith/Braun is a bad choice. #BrainsNotBraun And: follow Cassie Jackson on Facebook 6/8

FN1. That punts the whole “life begins at conception” fiction that undergirds most arguments against these rights of women.
FN2. JAMA Intern Med. 2024;184(3):330-332. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2024.0014 7/8

FN3. Beckwith, Face of IN magaGOP & in control of its ticket for Gov/Lt Gov, has said the Democratic Party is filled w/the spirit of Jezebel.
FN4. Whitehurst, Lindsay, “Supreme Court declines Biden’s appeal in Texas emergency abortion case,” AP, 10/07/24. 8/8

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