Civil Discourse Now

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An anti-Trump GOP candidate in Indiana's 5th!

The current occupant of the Oval Office lost the popular vote in 2016, but took office via fraud and help from a hostile foreign power. To adhere, or give aid and comfort, to an enemy of the United State constitutes treason. That he has been impeached is a positive thing.
As a candidate for the GOP nomination for U.S. House in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District, I am running against the fascism that is the cult that worships the current occupant of the Oval Office.
I run “for” things, too, but to be against a “negative” such as dt - I don’t like to write his name and I don’t believe he is worthy of anything upper-case - is a positive thing. We can guess what Putin’s puppet has done these past nearly-three years.
The most important things have to do with our voting system. We should neuter efforts to screw people out of the right to vote, & that means we ban gerrymandering and discrimination in voter lists (i.e., purging those whom we do not like). The Republican Party started as a force for people’s rights. That’s a traditional Republican value I hold.
We have to have voting machines that are secure - i.e., off-line - and that leave a legitimate paper trail. We can blunt the effect of electors ( a/k/a “electoral college”) on a State-by-State basis. If we try it nationally, there might be a “push” for a constitutional convention. That only would end in huge corporations writing our government away. Teddy Roosevelt was against huge corporations. He was a Republican, and I embrace those views.
We should cut our defense budget in half and put that money into infrastructure and into VA benefits. We should ban government subsidies for professional sports and businesses in general. A free market system = no subsidies. That’s a traditional Republican value.
If we fight wars, they should be declared. That’s kind of a hassle for people who want to bomb a lot of other people, but if they want to go to war, then they should have to declare it. (Hint: we’ve only had five declared wars in our history. Each had a beginning and a distinct end.) The GOP, at one time, favored isolationism. That’s better than US troops in 147 different countries.
One can be reasonably certain that access to Department of Defense computer codes was at the top of the Kremlin’s “wish” list. Of course, general chaos makes Vlad kind of warm all over. He hates the United State and he hates democratic principles. He wants to embarrass the United States as much as possible.
Other candidates in the GOP primary for Indiana’s 5th seem to be want to out-do each other in praise of the current occupant of the Oval Office. I most assuredly am not of that movement. I am pro-choice, anti-war and, btw, definitely anti-Trump. (I had to write that name once. I would sooner write Voldemort.) I’m a different kind of Republican.

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