Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

   As I said two days ago, I could not understand why the Republican Old Guard allowed mopes to dominate the run-up to the 2012 presidential election. The best scenario for Republican Party to defeat President Obama, in such a close race? A third-party, center-left candidate with a solid national profile runs on a well-funded third-party ticket. S/he could bleed votes from Obama in key states and Romney would take those states and the presidency. 

   Enter: Americans Elect.

Who determines candidates and platform for Americans Elect?

   Why, you do. According to AE’s website: "Your voice matters. You decide the issues. You choose the candidates. And in a secure, online convention next June, you will make history by putting the Americans Elect ticket on in the ballot in every state."

   But wait! There’s more! AE’s rules provide for a Candidate Certification Committee that must certify, as qualified, any candidate. (Rule 3.2) That same committee can nullify any ticket nominated by the convention, such as the convention is. The Candidate Certification Committee can then be overturned in its decision by a two-thirds vote of registered delegates. As Jim Cook, writing in Irregular Times, notes, that means two-thirds (2/3) of people who have registered to vote will return to the website to vote again and all  vote the same way and two-thirds (2/3) of the eligible voters in an election never have done so, much less voted the same way. So the veto over the Candidate Certification Committee is illusory.

   Who appoints the Candidate Certification Committee? The Board of Directors. Who appoints the Board of Directors? Not the convention delegates—i.e., you (if you register).

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Comment by Mark Small on December 26, 2011 at 1:55pm


Follow along on this and I think you will see that this is real. 

Comment by Paul K. Ogden on December 26, 2011 at 1:37pm

Mark, are you sure this is some sort of Republican master plan to steal the election or has your previous recreational use of drugs caused you to see conspiracies everywhere?


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