Civil Discourse Now

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Alex Jones was there on Jan 6: how'd he miss all the disguised leftists?

Fifty-four percent (54%) of Republicans polled believe leftists were behind the January attack on the Capitol. Apparently watch dogs of the far right, such as Alex Jones, missed this particular conspiracy. Jones should have an inside track on this info. He was in DC on January 6.

Here are possibilities. 1) Alex Jones is part of the Deep State/Antifa (DSA). That’s fine except Jones was in DC on 01/06 and spoke to the mob. Maybe he sought to foment violence to cast trump, et al, in a bad light. Problems with that?

a) Jones told the mob “we’re not globalist, antifa criminals.” We of the DSA don’t take insults lightly. We’re not “globalists.” We want peace to spread beyond this planet. b) We rejected him for membership before he insulted us. c) He’s an ignorant prick.

2) Right after his speech, Jones learned of the DSA plans but, before he could info America, DSA agents slipped him drugs to reduce Jones to an amnesiac stupor, without a clue of reality. Problems: we don’t waste drugs + he already was in a stupor w/o a clue.

3) Alex Jones is totally incompetent and missed all the DSA people so cleverly disguised. But: no one competent at acting could stomach taking on any such roles. Even the most devout of method actors have values. (Jones is grossly incompetent, but this is not why.)

4) The truth: MAGA people rallied on 01/06 in DC, marched on The Capitol to “stop [a non-existent] steal,” and in various interviews proudly declared their roles. I know: how could anyone be so stupid as to do this in broad daylight? otoh, who could be so stupid as to doubt the truth.

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