Civil Discourse Now

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Aircraft carriers: giant, expensive targets w/crews in the thousands

History: we learn from experience. In 1588, the Spanish Armada was defeated. [FN1] Weather and the relative inexperience of Spain’s commander were factors. [FN2] Spain’s warships were large, slow-moving and meant to rely “on boarding and close-quarters fighting.” [FN3] 1/6

The smaller, faster ships armed “with long-range naval guns” of the English won. [FN4]
Today, the U.S. Navy has 11 nuclear-powered fleet aircraft carriers; the latest cost almost $13 billion. [FN5] The crew numbers in the thousands. 2/6

Our aircraft carriers are large, expensive targets. As we have seen in the Russian invasion of Ukraine and in attacks in the Middle East, drones are cheap and can take out ships. There is no question “if” such attacks can sink a carrier. I have argued these points before: 3/6

We’ve done a lot to starve education in the USA while dumping $$$ on defense. A lot of that $$$ has been wasted. Their “strategic” missions should be questioned. The first one that is sunk will wave a “bloody shirt” that MAGA will scream requires a war they & Putin want. 4/6

FN1. See, “The Spanish Armada,”
FN2. Id. The Duke of Medina Sidonia “was considered a good and very competent general” but “had no experience at sea and apparently soon developed seasickness after leaving port.” 5/6

FN4. Id.
FN5. That is the nuclear-powered USS Gerald R Ford. Van Allen, “Meet the US Navy’s $13 billion aircraft carrier,” CNET, 12/10/19. 6/6

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