Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Response to an email from trump: go fu.....

As I reviewed emails from the past week, I saw one, purportedly
from you, that made me pause:
“I’d love to hear from you after facing the corrupt court.” 1/6

I thought “the corrupt court” you referenced was the Supreme
Court of the United States a/k/a “SCOTUS.” Records released
to the public, so far, show some of the six justices of your 6-3
majority make, or have made, a shit-load on the side. 2/6

Their corruption is historic. I read the silly-ass opinion issued
7/1/24. I thought Roberts, C.J., modified a pair of those x-ray
glasses in dime comic books so he saw things that AREN’T
really there. 3/6

Wherever Roy Cohn is, he probably looked up and chuckled.
Back to that email you sent: I was disappointed when I saw that,
by “corrupt court,” you meant the judge in the hush money
case in New York. I was disappointed. 4/6

Goddamn, that’s the only judge that’s nailed you in a criminal
case. I guess you can’t acknowledge just a tiny bit of greatness
in opponents. So I’ll repeat my response to an email your
campaign sent out last June: 5/6

You are a treasonous motherfucking son of a bitch who gained
office in 2016 via collusion w/Putin. I represented people
in 2 SCOTUS cases that sought to remove you. So, to be clear,
go fuck yourself. 6/6

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