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For the sake of the Nation and the World we cannot appease trump

In high school, we were taught: Neville Chamberlain, Britain’s Prime Minister, in 1938 missed a chance to stop Hitler by appeasing der Fuehrer. Chamberlain held in the air a paper Hitler had signed & declared “peace in our time.” [FN1] No one questioned that Hitler was evil. 1/8

No one explained, and we had little understanding of, how the U.S. was spared devastation on a scale such as WWI inflicted on Europe. A 500-mile gash of trenches ran from Switzerland to Belgium. [FN2] Late entry in WWI & the Atlantic Ocean spared us that much carnage. 2/8

U.S. 116,708 dead were military; Britain (885,138) and France (1,397,800) had military dead; a total of 6.8 million civilians from a dozen countries also died. [FN3] Europeans were scared as hell, and rightfully so, of another war. Chamberlain erred when he appeased Hitler, who: 3/8

lied constantly, had no regard for rule of law, but always made good on his threats. Chamberlain erred at Munich. Threats by trump include that he will install himself as a dictator. He then will exact vengeance against his enemies. There will be no more elections. 4/8

So what’s it gonna be? Those in maga world brag that they “own the libs.” The evidence that Russia interfered in 2024's elections is mounting. The threat of a trump dictatorship is real. Pres Biden has to fulfill his oath to preserve, protect and defend The Constitution. 5/8

So what’s it gonna be? Neither this Nation nor the World can afford appeasement of another dictator. Amend XIV, sec 3 of the Constitution is clear. We cannot afford to appease trump. 6/8

FN1. See, Shirer, Wm, “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” 1990 ed., pp. 419-20.
FN2. “First trenches are dug on the Western front,” , accessed 11/15/24. 7/8

FN3. Kiger, Patrick J., “How Many People Died in World War I?”, 4/19/24, updated 5/10/24. 8/8

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