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Lies essential to magaGOP, Beckwith, et aL

Lies are essential to a cult of personality that slunk away from the remains of a Republican party proud of its ties to Lincoln. A magaGOP insurrectionist who slouched through the Capitol on Jan 6, confederate flag over his shoulder, pissed away the “party of Lincoln.” [FN1] 1/12

Lies are essential to Micah Beckwith, IN magaGOP poster boy, & start w/lies about our history, [FN2] move to an implicit (& vacuous) claim to speak for all Christians, [FN3] & to top off these servings of crap, passes off as genuine chats w/a “God” that sounds clueless. 2/12

Lies are essential to the far right as they condition Hoosiers to believe that the only way magaGOP loses Indiana is rigged elections. Psychologists use the term “illusion of truth” effect to describe a rule of propaganda that a lie told often enough becomes the truth. [FN4] 3/12

A Vanderbilt Univ study found that the illusion of truth effect worked “as strongly for known as for unknown items, suggesting that prior knowledge won’t prevent repetition from swaying our judgements of plausibility.” W/repetition, falsehoods become “truths.” [FN5] 4/12

Not long ago, bizarre conspiracy theories shared front pages of tabloids w/Bat Boy & sources of news followed a semblance of a code of ethics. Then the news division was taken over by the entertainment division. [FN6] People did not anticipate the internet or podcasts. 5/12

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth,” is attributed to Joseph Goebbels. The most toxic lies today and through Nov 5 concern our elections. Often a lie is accompanied by a roll of the eyes. However, no credible evidence has been found to support the claims. 6/12

Beckwith says people shouldn’t read scholarly journals or works by university professors, due to “secular bias.” Bias is a valid concern & peer review attempts to reduce or eliminate it. Beckwith does not identify specific works, writers or specific biases. That’s because... 7/12

Beckwith lies. I encourage people to read what’s available and ask questions. Also, Project 2025 is a schematic for a theocratic government. That’s what the magaGOP would try to implement. A vote for any magaGOP candidates is a vote for Bewckwith. #BrainsNotBraun 8/12

FN1. Founded in Ripon WI in 1854, Lincoln won as the party’s nominee in 1860.
FN2. Though Beckwith claims to be the CHRISTIAN. CONSTITUTIONAL. CONSERVATIVE voice of Indiana (sic), his claims on history & The Constitution are crap he can’t defend. 9/12

FN3 “More than 25 million Christians who are registered to vote do not vote in presidential elections. And as many as 65 million Christians do not vote in local elections, according to statistics published by My Faith Votes.... 10/12

FN3a. “Some 15 million Christians are not even registered to vote. Can you imagine if all those folks voted based on biblical values?”
FN4. Stafford, Tom, “How liars create the ‘illusion of truth’” BBC, 10/26/16.
FN5. Id. 11/12

FN6. See, “Network,” directed by Sidney Lumet, written by Paddy Chayefsky. (1976).
FN7. Goebbels, Paul Joseph, Minister of Propaganda and Popular Enlightenment, Germany, 1933-45. 12/12

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