Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

IN GOP: far right took control & wrote rules so a minority could control everyone

Indiana GOP’s corporate structure goal: maintain control despite minority of voters & minority w/in GOP. Betw 1964 & early ‘80s, “Southern strategy” aimed at former Confederate States that voted solid “D” since Civil War. GOP pushed Reconstruction. Racism was the key.1/5

As late as 2006, Indiana Sen Richard Lugar was a GOP leader & moderate/progressive on many issues. He favored a scientific approach to climate change, had an “F” rating from the NRA, was in favor of the DREAM Act & worked for nuclear disarmament. The IN GOP was taken. 2/5

In 2005, IN GOP’s articles of incorporation created an entity not subject to control by voters or a majority of the GOP. The “State Committee is the supreme party authority in this state...” (State Rule 1-1.) Rules can B amended only by majority of Committee. (State Rule 1-3.) 3/5

IN GOP was incorp’d by Terre Haute/former Citizens United atty Jim Bopp. The far right took control of GOP & wrote the rules to make sure no one could take control back. The GOP is off the rails to the far right, but it’s fatal to ignore 1 of 2 “major” parties under IN statutes. 4/5

The Framers opposed political parties. Parties shouldn’t be able to insulate themselves fr control by voters. We need to change State laws. I’m Mark Small, pro environment, pro-choice GOP candidate for IN House Distr 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 5/5

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