Civil Discourse Now

Where the far left and far right overlap for fun and enlightenment

Hupfer's wrong: Pres Biden's agenda is not "far Left" but I am far-Left

Indiana GOP chair Hupfer asserts: “Joe Biden, in an attempt to place blame for his floundering far-Left agenda, has been asking the rhetorical question: ‘What are Republicans for?’” Let’s be clear on a cpl of points. First, Pres Biden’s agenda is not “far-Left.” 1/7

I’m “far Left” & agenda incl protection of civil & voting rts, women’s reproductive rts, passage of ERA, Medicare for all, clean air & water, elimination of student debt, cut military budget & eliminate DH in MLB. + Pres Biden’s wasnt rhetorical Q, meant only to make a point. 2/7

Hupfer’s 7 points aren’t an answer. Hupfer’s Item Two: “The U.S. and Indiana Constitutions and the rights they preserve.” This stmt is nebulous/contradicted by GOP’s disregard 4 constitutions as well as Hupfer’s Item 3: “Limited, responsible, and transparent government.” 3/7

Amend XIV expanded Fed gov’t to address “States’ rts” & was written by GOP. Transparency? Jan 6 plotters met in secret. Responsible govt? Jan 6 armed mob broke into Capitol. RNC sd Jan 6 was legit political discourse, but mob didn’t ask 2 speak/debate NE1. 4/7

Both major parties had progressive wings until racism & opportunism drove GOP to “southern strategy” Now a minority bloc controls GOP. We cant abandon 1/2 of our country’s 2-party system to these forces of bigotry & ignorance. I’m running for State Rep Distr 86. 5/7

So far I’m unopposed in GOP primary. Incumbent Ed Delaney (Dem), honorable man w/whom I agree on some issues & w/whom I disagree on others (where I believe he’s too conservative. If Rep Delaney is so gracious as to agree to debate, voters can hear real “discourse.” 6/7

I’ll add more points of my platform in the coming days in this blog. I’m Mark Small. I’m pro-choice, pro environment, pro-civil rts & anti-gun. I’m GOP candidate for Indiana House District 86. I approve of this blog. Hell, I wrote it. 7/7

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