Civil Discourse Now

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3 orange ties for the next 3 lawyers

The kids from the school in Florida, who have been brave and energetic enough to demand changes in policies in regard to gun violence, have used orange apparel to express the movement that way.  I sometimes wear a tie.  I wanted to find a non-for-profit from which I could buy an orange tie such that my expenditure would go to stopping gun violence.  I found some that sell other apparel, but none that sell the specific apparel I could wear. Therefore, I ordered five (5) orange neckties on-line

This is an offer extended to colleagues in the legal fraternity/sorority - if you promise to wear the tie, like, all the time, I shall give to you (and I know you, Kent Lamb will agree to this although orange clashes w/Steelers' colors) AND you either donate to an NFP that opposes gun violence or buy several ties - A TIE WILL BE YOURS! (While the supplies of three (3) after - I presume Kent snags one.)

Colleagues know how to contact me. The NRA? Not so much. 

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